The Outdoors
Outdoor education and physical well-being are integral components of the Sussex School experience. Students become rooted in the outdoors while participating in physical education classes and robust, year-round outdoor education programs. Many classes, events, and field days consistently take place outside. Throughout the school year, students regularly visit outdoor nature spots, and take extended field trips to the surrounding Rocky Mountain ecosystems and wilderness areas, including Yellowstone, Glacier, and Grand Teton National Parks.
During the winter, individual homeroom classes look forward to cross-country skiing and snowshoeing day trips. When the conditions are right, all students have access to our on-campus ice rink, where many skate and play pick-up hockey before school and at lunch. Each February, the entire student body participates in downhill ski or snowboard lessons up at Montana Snowbowl. "Sussex on Snow" is a historic tradition that many alumni remember fondly.
Upper school students are challenged by our Adventure Program, where students receive formal instruction and experience in mountain biking, kayaking, and rock climbing throughout the school year. Overnight adventures are a hallmark tradition of the Sussex School experience. Staff and parent volunteers work hard to provide challenging, fun, and educational field trips where students connect and get comfortable with being outside.
A love of the outdoors is fostered at Sussex School, and our outdoor experiences are a means to further support an appreciation of the natural world, community building, active citizenry, and personal courage.
Middle School Adventure Program
2024/25 Dates
7th Grade Whitewater Week
10th - 13th
8th Grade Climbing Week
16th - 20th
6th Grade Mountain Biking
April 29th, May 6th, and May 15th & 16th